Dementia Care in Bally, PA
Book an AppointmentSpecialized Dementia Program at A Part of Our Family Home Care Agency
It is not easy to watch your loved one fall into the hands of dementia. This condition is one of the hardest that families who have elderly members need to confront. It is hard to give your loved one care and love while they, at the same time, lose knowledge of who you are.
Because of this, we at A Part of Our Family Home Care Agency developed a program uniquely for older adults with dementia. Created by professional therapists, it aims to help older adults who have dementia to workout their mind and keep it sharp. Our program makes sure that:
- Older adults take their medications on time, and that their medicine stock is up to date and filled.
- Members of our staff always look to communicate with patients, so that they don’t withdraw to themselves. Also, once our CNA is assigned to one patient, we do not change them. The goal is for seniors always to have a familiar person with them.

Dementia care – so you can focus on what matters the most.
- We make sure to talk with seniors in our care. Our employees know that they should speak with patients about places they know. Also, they will go through old photos with the elderly because this will make them remember people from their surroundings. Both of these things sharpen their minds by keeping memories alive.
- Our caregivers will take them outside of their homes, but to places that they feel comfortable with. There we would connect them with friends and family. For people in danger of dementia, it is essential to communicate daily with loved ones so that the chances of forgetting them are lower.
- As older people love to talk about their past achievements, it is critical to be there for them and listen. Going through memories with them will keep their brain working. This is why our caregivers will always look to instigate these types of conversations. If your loved one is in advance stages of dementia, this type of treatment won’t help. Nonetheless, they will still be provided with care and love by our caregivers.
Book Dementia Care in Bally, PA with A Part Of Our Family Home Care Agency LLC today!
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